Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chemo Day Round 5

Yesterday was Round 5 chemo day at Huntsman.  My mom and I went up at 8am for Labs and to see Dr. Glenn.  We were not able to see Dr. Glenn because she was held up in a meeting, but that was fine because what I really needed to see her for was to ask her about the pain in my neck.  But, that pain is gone now.  Phew!
   So I went in to the infusion room and started the chemo.  It ended up being the fasted infusion I've ever had.  It was completed in one day, and it only took about 5 hours.  I think this is partly due to the fact that my body is used to the Rituxin now and can tolerate it being infused pretty quickly. 
    I wondered if there would be any major differences at the infusion center in Huntsman as opposed to St. Mary's where I normally go.  The infusion rooms were fairly similar.  Large over sized recliners lined up throughout the room.  They both have one wall  that is all glass looking outside  (the Huntsman's one is over looking the mountains-gorgeous).  But one thing I noticed is the age of the patients.  At St. Mary's I am  usually-by far-the youngest patient there.  Where at Huntsman, there were all ages. 
    Halfway through the day a lady came and sat right next to me.  She had her 2 daughters with her.  She had endometric cancer and had been through chemo several times.  She said at this point her cancer was considered "chronic" and she would be on chemo to control her disease indefinitely. 
    She still works full time and seemed full of energy.  Her daughter says she is a total "type A" go getter personality.  I would definite call her a fighter.  She works as a nurse at BYU University.  It was so nice to chat with her and her daughters.  She was truly full of positive energy, and you can't help but feel that!
    I fell asleep toward the end of my treatment.  And then we came home, had dinner and then I feel asleep again.  I went down to bed at 11pm and slept until 9:30am.   When I woke up I felt pretty good.  I wondered how it would be having chemo without the Neulasta shot right after, and so far it seems like all the achy and pain I get from chemo is from that Neulasta shot.  But even though I feel OK, this week is when my immune system will be at its lowest so I will be finding things to do around the house and staying in.
   I'm going to start working on my digital scrapbooking again and trying to get caught up on that.  It's usually hard to find the time to do that, but this week all I have is time. 
   I will be starting my Neupogen shots on Sunday.  A Home Health nurse will be coming to my house to give them to me, which will save me the 45 min drive to Huntsman every day. 
   Until then, I will just continue to rest and count down the days until this process is over and I'm that much closer to the end!  HOORAY!  


  1. We are counting with you, Jen! Thanks for all your inspiring posts. The story of the "refining/purifying" made me cry. Love you!

  2. Hello! I am Lindsay one of the daughter's that sat next to you yesterday during chemo. It was so great to meet you and your mom. Just from the time we spent talking to you, I could tell that you are an incredible and very strong person. I wish you good luck in everything you are going through and I will definately keep checking your blog.

  3. Way to go Jen! I too loved your "refining" story. You continue to be amazing. Take care!!!! Glad you slept all night!

  4. Thanks for the update, Jen. I hope you can feel the love and prayers and strength that are being sent to you all the way from Kansas!
